John 10:10 tells us that we can experience life to the full here on earth. What does this look like in our lives? Is it the standard 8 to 5? Is it meant to be as fruitless and boring as many of us see each day. I don't think so. I do think that God intended for us to experience so much more in life. I think we fall short of that experience because
we have chosen to play it safe. We find it safer to stay with the familiar instead of moving into the areas that are unfamiliar and may stretch us. We find it safer not to start new relationships because we may get hurt. We find it safer not to sacrificially give financially because we might not have enough left at the end of the month. We find it safer not to serve Him because we might not have time left to watch our favorite TV shows. We find it safer not to share the gospel because we don't want anyone to think bad of us. But isn't it true that safer isn't better and safer is boring. We don't see God for what He really can do, because we don't take Him at His word too many times.
God has promised that He would never leave us nor forsake us. He has said that He would always be with us. As He clothes the lilies of the field, He will meet our needs as well. Do we believe that or do we hold on to a little security? God never told us that He came to give us a safe life, but a full life. I want to challenge each of us in four areas of our lives so that we can begin to experience the full life that God has planned for us.
Relationships. God designed us to function together with other believers so that we could be encouraged and draw strength from each other. Proverbs 27:17 tells us that as iron sharpens iron so a man sharpens a man. As we enter into relationships with others, there is a chance we will get hurt. In fact I can promise you that as you open yourself up to get close to imperfect people, you will get hurt. But I can also promise you that as you open yourself up to get close to people, the benefits of those relationships are far greater than the pain you may experience. You will grow in your understanding of God and His plans for your life. You will also have people around you during tough times (that we will all go through). Life is full of ups and downs and it seems a lot smoother when there are people who care about you there to help you through them. It brings you into the full life.
Giving. One thing I have learned is that I will always find something to spend all of my money on. We live in such a consumer driven, materialistic culture. It actually goes against our culture not to accumulate a lot of 'things'. These things and toys that we buy become status symbols for us. But they grow old and break. They have to constantly be replaced with newer and better things. Because of this it becomes a cycle that we get caught up in. I want to challenge you to break out of this cycle by learning to give away a portion of what God has given to you. Scripture calls it a tithe. God asks that we freely give Him a minimum of 10% of our gross income and that we learn to live on the 90%. That's very generous of God considering what He gave for us. In Malachi He even tells us to test Him in this and see if He will not open up the storehouse of Heaven and poor out on us blessings that we cannot even begin to imagine. We shouldn't give with the motive of receiving the blessings, but with the motive of honoring God. Give God His portion and see what He allows you to do with your portion. You'll find that you can't outgive God. I know people who have moved past the 10% threshold and give far more than that because they have experienced what God can do. It brings them into the full life.
Serving. When Jesus gave us the church, He gave us a picture of what a church would look like. He used the picture of a body with many parts working toward the same goal. Although you may have a right hand and a left hand, an arm or a leg; they are all part of the same body that works together as the "head" directs. Jesus is the head of the church and has called His body (the church) into action. Anyone who has entered into a relationship with Jesus and is a part of a local church is a part of the body of Christ and has a responsibility to serve with the other members of the body. We have all been given different talents and abilities as well as Spiritual Gifts to be used for the glory of God and the building up of the church. If you are not actively serving, you are cripling the church and missing out on the full life that God desires for you to experience. I've heard it said that we are never more alive than when we're giving our lives away and investing in other people for His purpose. This will help you start to experience the full life.
Missions. When Jesus gave the Great Commission to the church, He told us that "as we are going" we are to be sharing the gospel of Jesus to those we come in contact with and make disciples. This instruction wasn't just given to Pastors, but to the church as a whole. All of us have a responsibility to share the truth of what Jesus has done not only on the cross but in our lives with those we come in contact with daily. Acts 1:8 teaches us that missions starts at home (in Jerusalem) and from there we branch out into broader areas. All of us are called to missions because we are a part of His church. It takes a lot of courage to share your faith with someone else. But one thing that I have experienced over and over again is that if I am willing to share, God will give me the words. I have also discovered that there is a fullness in life that can only be experienced as we share our faith. There is a world out there that needs to know about the love of God. Would you take a step of faith to tell someone what God is doing in your life. As you do this you will begin to see what it is to live life to the full.