Monday, April 25, 2011

Fanning The Flame

Prayer Service Tonight @ Oasis
  • Doors open at 6:00pm for those who would like to speak to a pastor one on one in the auditorium. (No child care during this time)
  • Child-care for ages 3 yrs and down from 7-8pm only.  After 8pm, you may bring them into the auditorium.
  • Praise/ Worship/Prayer from 7pm - ??? (Just come when you can and leave when you need to go)
  • I am hearing from our people that we have many un-churched people that will be in the prayer service tonight.  Do you know someone that needs to be there tonight?
  • We have heard that we are expecting storms in the area tonight.   Please follow God's lead and use wisdom in making your decision about atttending.
Something special started happening around the first weekend in April at Oasis.  I could not possibly tell you every story of what God has done in the lives of so many and the church has never been more alive and aware of God's presence.  Yesterday, our 9:30 service just ran into our 11am service as people were gathered all over the auditorium praying in huddles for those that publicly expressed conviction of sin and others that had specific burdens.The same happened as people poured into the auditorium for the 11am service and this continued until 12:45.  During the 9:30 worship yesterday, I felt led to call a prayer service for tonight.  This is a call for help.  Can you come and help us tonight as we do the work of God?  
Also, we are hearing reports from all over Central Arkansas that God is moving in many churches and similar things are happening in many places.  Our neighbor, The Summit Church began to experience the hand of God on the exact Sunday morning when it all began to happen here at Oasis.  They have been meeting every night for the last 3 weeks and are continuing on tonight as well. Would you pray with me that revival would spread throughout Central Arkansas into all churches and would you help "fan the flame" that has sparked in our area?  
Todd West
Lead Pastor
Oasis Church 


Monday, April 18, 2011

God Waves are coming in.....

The first sign that something significant was happening came a few Sunday's ago when spontaneously people in the 9:30am worship experience joined hands in the altar area praying. 3 people were spontaneously baptized and another wave of God came in the 11am worship experience, when 15 more were spontaneously baptized. Many in the church sensed that this was not the end and yesterday we experience another wave.  Electricity went out during the 9:30 worship experience yesterday, but the hand of God was with us because I was able to remember with clarity every verse and was given every thought needed to share the message in the dark.  In the dim room, people began to confess their trespasses one to another and pray.  Groups were all over the darkened sanctuary praying for one another and encouraging one another. In the 11am worship experience, the electricity came back on and I spoke briefly about "Examining Ourselves" from I Corinthians 11 and people seemed to be on the edge of their seats just ready for the invitation to pray. Another wave came when people started to practice James 5:16 by confessing their trespasses to one another and praying for one another.  I looked up and at one point, the auditorium was a sea of prayer groups calling on the Lord. One man left after the 9:30 worship and quickly went home to get his sick daughter (in a wheel chair) and bring her to the house of prayer. Believers laid hands on her and prayed for healing from God.  This was a reminder of New Testament moments when people retrieved the sick and brought them to Jesus. We had 2 Ministers of The Gospel present that were both battling with bitterness from former pastorates and the church gathered around them to pray for healing. 3 young ladies that will be going on out from the church as missionaries this summer came for prayer and were surrounded by those reaching in to touch them and pray for them. Foster parents brought their children to ask the church to pray for them. I was overwhelmed by the number of men that came asking the church to pray because they felt God was calling them to go to the "next level". So many men responded!!! Many began to testify during the service about what God has done in their life and about the incredible experience of being in the church family. The kids from childrens' ministry were brought in and got to see a genuine movement of God and to witness their parents crying out to God. Our 9 year old daughters were moved by the experience. When the waves began to quiet down,  it was 12:45pm and even our first time guests had stayed to experience what God is doing. I could hardly believe how quickly the time had past and how everyone just wanted to stay with each other. 

Summit Church in North Little Rock has been experiencing the incredible power of God over the last several weeks.  My good friend, Pastor Bill Eliff has led them to meet each night for the last two weeks and for hours each evening hundreds of people have been coming in from around the city and the state. Brokeness, confesssion, healing, praising, reading the scriptures, salvations and baptisms, and many other works of God continue to take place in this wonderful church.  We are beginning to hear other reports from churches around Central Arkansas that show signs of something incredible happening in our area.

I can hardly contain myself as we wait for another wave to come in (maybe even today). We are preparing for The Lord's Supper on Friday evening and anticipate another wave on that evening.  Because the hearts of our people are in tune with the Lord, I can only imagine what God is going to do in our worship experience on Easter. Pray that souls would be saved and the making of disciples will continue. 

Todd West
Lead Pastor
Oasis Church

Monday, April 4, 2011

18 Baptized on April 3, 2011

A few months ago, our Small Groups Pastor (PJ) told me about a church in North Carolina that had a unique baptism Sunday. It sounded awesome to me!  So, some of our staff members purchased "scrubs" of all sizes and brought plenty of towels and I preached a simple message on baptism and people opened their hearts to the Lord. I must admit that I was shocked when people just kept coming forward to be baptized. Some were people that we have prayed for on many occasions(some for years), and others were new to Oasis.  Some were new believers, others had been saved for years, but never biblically baptized. I noticed that people started coming forward to be obedient only after many believers gathered at the front of the stage and held hands praying.  18 is the most that I have ever seen baptized on one occasion. As if all of this was not enough, 3 people came desiring membership at Oasis and they will be attending our "Next Step Membership Group".  I am so excited! I have called and texted with many Pastor friends, shared the praise on Facebook and around our house it seems to be dominating our conversations.  Last night, Riley (one of our daughters) praised the Lord during her prayer for the 18. I am so glad that our church family is getting to see the hand of God.  Let's celebrate and anticipate more of this as we continue to be obedient as a church. 

Todd West
Lead Pastor