Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fearless (Week 1) Day 5

Day 5- But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men."(Acts 5:29 ESV)

This verse has given me courage on so many occasions when people did not agree with the direction that God was taking my life. One of the hard realities of life is that not everyone rejoices with you when you do the will of God. Often, we are put in the position of pleasing God or others. This is difficult because most of us want to please others and we want everyone to celebrate our decisions. We know that God has plans for our life, but have you discovered that other people also have plans for us? There are going to be times where what God wants and what others want are going to clash. In these moments, fear can take over, if we are not firmly committed to following Christ and the desires that he has given to us. When I was called to preach the gospel, you would think that everyone would have celebrated my decision. It was not the case. Even some who were leaders in churches, encouraged me not to leave my career to pursue pastoring. Because I would be making less money and be leaving a promising career, they just couldn't see the wisdom in my decision. Can I be honest? There were moments when it didn't make sense to me either, but that is where faith takes over and launches us in the direction of Gods plan.

"The approval of others is desirable, but it is not necessary" (Howard Hendricks)

Think... What decision have you avoided, because you fear what others may say or think?

Are you presently being persecuted because you have chosen to follow God?


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